The Ghostly Chronicles: Chapter 2 Boo!

When Glen was six weeks old, he stopped waking up for a bottle at 2 a.m. I was so relieved; now I could forget about it and get some extra sleep and not have to leave my room until it was daylight. Since there was no longer anyone getting up in the middle of the night, we just brushed those incidents aside. Everything appeared to be normal again. Most of the time, I was alone during the day with Glen. I would roll his bassinet out into the living room in the morning, and we stayed out there most of the day. We, he and I, would watch TV, well, mostly it was me watching it; he just slept and ate and stared at nothing when he was awake. When he would fall asleep, I would go downstairs to the laundry room to wash his clothes and bedding. When I was the only one home and downstairs, I felt that old uncomfortable feeling again. The family room was just outside of the laundry room. It was quite large and had sliding door...