JFK: A Special Birthday At Camp David

MAY 29, 1963 CAMP DAVID John Fitzgerald Kennedy would have been 99 years old today, May 29, 2016, had his life not been taken by an assassin. Truly one of the saddest days in the history of our country. Those of us living in that era all know exactly where we were and what we were doing when the news of the shooting came over the television and radio. The world stopped. Living in a suburb of Washington DC at the time enabled me to witness his last journey to the church for his funeral service and his burial ceremony on the way to Arlington Cemetery. It was the first time in my life that I had experienced grief. Not just grief but massive grief. Men, women, and kids lined up on the funeral route crying unashamedly. I can still hear the muffled drums' sounds on Constitution Avenue playing the funeral march, Hail to the Chief, and the Navy Hymn. I have never heard absolute silence from crowds of thousands and thousands of people as they...