Requiem for the United States

Orlando, Mass Shootings, Murder, LGBT, TerroristIt's hard for me to write my normal type of post today.  I can't concentrate on the past.  The slaughter in Orlando, Florida, yesterday is in my head.  Reading and hearing the typical bullshit about "guns don't kill people" enrages me every time I hear it.  I am so sick and tired of the arguments about gun control.  It shouldn't even be an argument.  Our country is a cesspool of guns and nuts that want to use them or irresponsible people who think if you tell a child, a gun is bad or not touch them, they won't.  That isn't being responsible.  And being irresponsible and having death or severe injury resulting from a child getting access to a gun makes you an accessory to manslaughter or attempted manslaughter.  Why are we the only civilized country in the world to have lax gun control laws?

Fool that I am, I thought that the young children's massacre at Sandy Hook might encourage people to rethink our gun laws.  We tried, but the powerful, money-heavy lobby of the NRA and the politicians it owns refused to co-operate.  Nationally, the change in gun laws is favored, but the corrupt politicians will not bend to the people's demands.  You know them, those in Washington DC who are elected by the people to represent the people.  It doesn't work that way anymore in our country.  Politicians work for themselves and the wealthy people backing them.  So we will continue to have gun violence in this country until people stop electing these slugs.

When the founding fathers of this country gave the people the right to bear arms, guns were necessary.  People used them for hunting to provide food for their families.  They used them for protection because they lived in an uncivilized world compared to our society today.  They didn't live 50 feet away from the next house; most people lived outside of established cities.  Deadbolt locks and burglar alarms hadn't been invited.  People did need a way to protect themselves, but they had primitive weapons, not assault rifles and automatic handguns.  That is the difference.  If they knew then what we know now about guns and how they have become weapons of mass murders, I think the constitution would read differently.

Some folks think that the people who want to change the gun laws are after their guns.  Not true.  We just want to be a little more conscientious about who can buy them and the types of sold weapons.  Keep your deer rifles, shotguns, 38's,  22's, 357's, 45's, and automatic pistols that hold small clips of ammo.  But nobody except the military and the police should have assault rifles.  That is the demon.  That is the weapon of choice for mass murders.  And yet, I had to stop writing this to answer a post from one of the "I have a right to carry a gun anywhere" people.According to this person, the problem was that it was a "terrorist," not that he was allowed to buy the weapons. Sickening.  Here is the post; I'm not correcting any spelling or grammar;
"We have the right to bare arms.   I have the right to carry a gun according to the Constitution wherever I want and whenever I want but we are losing our rights because of terrorist acts like this and you people who want guns band are going to be sorry when no one in this country has a gun but the bad guys.   You liberals disgust me.   If you don't want a gun then fine but leave the rest of us alone.   I know you have heard it before but guns don't kill, people kill.  I have a gun, my husband have several, and we have never killed anyone with our guns.  God be with those who have lost loved ones in this terror attack but don't blame the guns for this horrible act."
I think that speaks volumes.   I think that displays the mentality very well.  Some cannot process information; asking for gun safety laws and "taking all the guns away" are two different things.  Asking for laws to help protect innocent people should be the priority for all of us.  You can still have your legal weapons, but let's be smart about it.  Let's take some of the opportunity away from the people who shouldn't have weapons.  Let us use our brains as though we lived in 2016, not 1776.


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