Tears For the Black and Blue

I will not be writing my normal blog for a few days out of respect for the Dallas Police Department officers' deaths in the line of duty.  As you know, portions of my blog include references to former members of the DPD.

Their deaths remind me of the anxiety I would feel every time there was a police shooting incident.  My heart goes out to the families of all of the officers whose lives were needlessly taken.  It takes a special type of person to work every day, knowing that you may never return home.

Sympathies also are extended to the families and friends of the two gentlemen whose lives were needlessly snuffed out in acts of overkill and violence perpetrated by cops who shouldn't have been cops.  There are always a few bad cops out there who are bullies, thugs, perverts, or psychos who escape under the radar of the hiring and selection processes who are a danger to the public.  May we find a way to weed them out.

Hate begets hate. We must learn to overcome this. We must learn that we are all in this thing we call life together.  Stop listening to news outlets, reporters, and politicians who delight in dividing
us and pitting us against each other.  Protest intelligently and legally.  Use your vote to remove politicians that work against our needs and interests.  Be smart.

Tell the people you hold dear that you love them every day.  It may be your last opportunity to do it.


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