Sex, Dancing and Booze

Sex, lust. kiss, nudity,booze
Heavenly Sex
Finally, it was Saturday.  My ex came over to pick up Glen and Jeff to keep his girlfriend happy.  He didn't have the initiative to do the right thing and be with his kids.  But he would play pretend dad to keep his girlfriend happy because she liked them.  She was very good to them, and they liked her.  At least when she was around, they got to go somewhere and do things.  If it was just them and Mike, he would sleep all day while they sat and watched TV.  I kissed them goodbye and told them to have fun.

I went back to bed for a little while.  I never seemed to get enough sleep during the week because I had to get up early and go to bed late.  On weekends I didn't get a lot of extra sleep, but I could sleep until nine.  I could take a short nap and wake up feeling great and ready to party all night.  Maybe I would.

France picked me up, and we went to a nice place on Greenville Avenue to eat dinner.  We had some drinks.  France had an appetizer.  He had been working on his race car all day and said that he was starving.  I would just wait for the real food.  Steak!  Yeah, my fav.  France got some kind of seafood and steak.  He tried to talk me into tasting the seafood, but I wouldn't.  I didn't like to look at it, and I didn't like to smell it, or fish either.  We took our time eating.  Well, he had to because I eat so slow.  He ordered desert for himself; I didn't want any.  Just another drink, please.

We were talking about the crazy people that worked in my office.  All of the older women in the office loved him; they just thought he was too cute.  And they would flirt with him.  It made me kind of, hmm, not jealous, but a little pissed that he would play that game with those old coots simply because they were so two-faced.  But he was a guy, and I guess that stroked his ego.  I was just the opposite; I didn't like anyone flirting with me unless I was attracted to them.

When France finally finished stuffing his face, we left to go to a club so we could drink and dance.    We ended up at the place where we had gone before, a club inside a nice hotel.  The people that went there were in our age group and well dressed.  I was only interested in slow dancing with him and used too fast music for slow dancing as a drinking guide.  Like, slurp, slurp. Slurp.  Dance, dance, dance, slow music usually came in sets of 3 songs, and then sit back down and drink some more.  This was the first night that I had ever had a Pina Colada, although, at the time, I didn't know what they were.  They were good.  That's what they were.  It was like drinking an ice cream drink—a lot of ice cream drinks.  I couldn't taste the alcohol, but I could feel the alcohol when I stood up to dance.

France was now kind of holding me up on the dance floor.  I was pretty limber; I just held on to him.  It was fun.  I'm sure that we might have looked like French Adagio dancers, where the guy throws the woman around on the dance floor like a sack of potatoes.  It wasn't long until I was cut off from drinking anymore Pina Coladas.  Boo.  It wasn't like I was going to have to drive.  Now with nothing to do but sit there, I was getting sleepy.  Very Sleepy.  France asked me if I wanted to go.  I think I said no, but only because I wasn't sure that I could get up and walk like a lady in my heels.  I had taken my shoes off when we danced.  I usually did.  It just made it easier.  Now I had to find them and put them on.  Why was I worried?  I had a more than willing partner who did not mind reaching under the table and finding them.  And then he got to put them on me with a little feely weely up the calves of my legs.  And he really, really liked my legs.  He was sweating when he got up.  That was the closest thing to really touching me that he had experienced.  I might have been a little drunk, but I knew exactly what I was doing.

When we got back to the car, he asked me what I wanted to do.  I told him I wanted to dance some more.  But he was done dancing.  I had pushed some buttons that I hadn't pushed before.  Buttons of fire, oh yeah.

We drove to North Dallas, that was where he lived.  He said he was planning on me going home with him.  And then he asked, "Is that okay/"  Yep.  Sure was.  I was curious about his place.  I thought it would be an apartment or condo, but it was a beautiful house right off Preston Road.  One of the very fine areas of Dallas at that time.  He parked and came over to help me unglue myself from the car seat.  I had taken my shoes off again.  He told me to just leave them there.  Okay.

The inside of the house was gorgeous.  Lots of wood and leather, everything neat and tidy.  Wow.  That's what I said.  "Wow."  He sat me down on the sofa and brought me a Dr. Pepper.  What a man.  He was very observant.  He put some tunes on and got himself a drink of some sort.  "God France, you didn't tell me that you were such a charity case.  Look at this place."  He turned a little red.  He said his parents had bought him the house and furniture when he graduated from college.  Nice parents.

He got up and went into the kitchen and came back with some roses and a box that was wrapped beautifully.  Oh my gosh!  Seriously!  He was making me feel weird.  "What's going on, France?"  He said that he had just wanted it to be a special night.  "It is a special night; it's been special all night France."  He asked me to open the gift.  It was a gorgeous lace nightie and lace robe.  They were full length and in a Neiman's box.   It was the nicest gift anyone had ever given me.  I gave him a very appreciative kiss.  "I suppose you want me to model this, huh?"  Well, of course, he did.

"If you will show me where the bathroom is, I will change."  I was ready for this.  I had brought my toothbrush and perfume, makeup, I had it all.  I was a little nervous.  This was the first time that I was testing the water since I had left Mike.  I was almost a virgin again.  Well, no, I wasn't.  But this was only my second encounter; I didn't know what to expect.  Was he going to be a creep, or was this going to be "something to write home about"?

When I walked out of the bathroom, all lovely looking in the gown. the house was dark.  As soon as I stepped out, he said, "I'm in here."  I followed the voice and shut the door.  We both looked at each other and said, "Wow."  This was a mutual admiration society.


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