Tribute: Gene Wilder: Don't Forget His Talent (In Memorium for Gene Wilder)

Gene Wilder-Willie Wonka-Waco Kid-Gilda Radner
Gene Wilder as Willie Wonka
Sadly, we have lost another star from our galaxy by the name of Gene Wilder.  Depending on which biography you read about him, he was either 82 or 83 years old.  The younger generation may not recognize his name, but if you were a "moviegoer"  in the '70s, 80's or 90's, you know his name.
He was an actor, and he also sang and danced very well.  I took my kids to see a movie called The Little Prince, in which he did both.  He played the part of a snake and danced throughout the film, a children's movie.  He was quite nimble and graceful, much to my surprise.

He also played Willie Wonka in the movie  Willie Wonka And The Chocolate Factory. Another children's film.  As you may recall, Johnny Depp also played the part of Willie Wonka years later.  As much as I love Johnny, Gene Wilder's version wins the Best Willie Wonka Award. If you have kids or grandkids, they will enjoy both versions.

Gene seemed to be at his best in a twosome. Richard Pryor teamed up with him in several movies, and they were like salt and pepper, double trouble, and a million laughs.  They played off of each other so well. The other person Gene paired with was his love, Gilda Radner, from the brilliant days of Saturday Night Live.  They were a couple and married for years until cancer stole Gilda away from him.  I remember reading articles about how he had taken care of her until she died.  And he remained single for many years pining over her loss.  Can you imagine what a great and funny couple they must have been together?

My two favorite movies with Gene in the starring role were Silver Streak and See No Evil, Hear No Evil.  The first one is a romantic comedy and the second one, a brilliant comedy.  But he also starred in the classic Young Frankenstein and the bawdy and rowdy Blazing Saddles.  From being a snake to being a deaf man, a cowboy, a very well dressed writer, and Dr "Frankunsteen," he was always entertaining.  He wasn't handsome in the Hollywood Hall of Good Lookers, but he had charisma, and that curly fuzzed-out hair and THOSE EYES.  He had gorgeous eyes.

My best memory of him comes from Silver Streak, walking down the train tracks after being thrown off the train.  He wore a pair of obviously expensive dark gray or blue slacks tailored to fit him to perfection.  He looked great in those pants.  Watch the movie, you will know when you see what I am talking about.

The very first movie that we, as movie attendees, saw him in was Bonnie and Clyde.  He and his girlfriend were kidnapped by B and C and forced to ride along with them for a while.

But sadly, now it is time to say goodbye to Gene, another star from our era.  Don't forget him.  He gave us a lot of laughs.  I always felt good after seeing one of his movies, never sad or depressed, and that was the intent of his entertainment.

Goodbye, Waco Kid.  I hope you find Gilda and dance your way across the galaxy through eternity.  Thank you for all of the smiles and laughs.


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