The Front Porch and John Candy for Halloween

The Front Porch The last Halloween that we lived in Dallas, all 3 kids came home sick on Halloween and couldn't go out. I painted my face to look like a skeleton and wore a hood and monk's robes. My face painting was AWESOME, I couldn't believe how well it turned out. And as good as it looked inside the house, it was even scarier outside. I sat on the front porch on a planter right next to the door. You couldn't ignore me. Groups of kids and their adults would walk up the walk, see me and then slow down. They encouraged the kids to go ahead and knock on the door while they stood sideways looking at me. They would tell the kids that it was okay that I wasn't real and don't be scared. But they were. I sat motionlessly. One kid told the mom I was staring at him. She laughed it off and touched my skeletal made up a hand. I could have scared the crap out of her but chose to maintain my cover. Everyone was scared. ...