Ma Bell: Ding A Ling Training Day

Training, training, training. We really had to keep a positive outlook. It was grueling, and we had to stick together and keep our spirits up collectively. One had to maintain a certain level of self-confidence. If you didn't, if you doubt yourself, you might not have enough confidence to make it to the end of the training and graduate. We were all determined to get our full-fledged service rep ears. None of the four of us wanted to be sent back to our old jobs because we flunked out of class. That was the only option, either that or quit. We were not biting into that failure sandwich. Obviously, we started our training with the easy stuff and added more difficult pieces of the puzzle as we went along. That meant that our time taking real phone calls from real customers increased as our skill level widened. One of the more difficult parts of our training was dealing with customers who had delinquent bills or customers who p...