I voted in every election. I have paid taxes most of my life. I have given money to the needy over the years. My family members have participated in every war since the Civil War. I raised my children to become responsible and sensitive to others. I took care of my son and my mother when they were dying. Now I am retired, living on one small income. I am in reasonably good health, but I worry about how I will pay the co-pays and out of pocket expenses when I'm not. I do not go to the doctor when I should. I see the middle-class people and poor, disabled, and elderly struggling every day. I see people lined up at churches waiting for a small monthly amount of food from the food bank. Not enough food for a month, but maybe a week. I see elderly, sickly people in front of me in the grocery line paying for whatever tiny amount of food they can get from their 16.00 food stamp allotment, which seems to be the standard amount for a single ...