Tribute: Death Of A Hero (In Memorium to Staff Sargent Strickland, My Brother)

My brother, Staff Sargent Strickland, assisting a wounded MP at the US Embassy in Saigon, 1968, as reported by Life Magazine. In January 1968, in a faraway place of Saigon, South Vietnam, during a celebration of the new year known as Tet by the locals, my brother Ronnie, an MP at the Embassy, lost his life. He and all of his brothers in arms were engaged in combat with North Vietnamese forces who had successfully penetrated the secured area's grounds. The battle to hold the embassy lasted for hours, and many lives were lost, and many of the soldiers and Marines were injured in combat. News footage exists of my brother and another MP carrying a wounded soldier to safety. Many of my brother's friends were killed that day, and maybe they were the lucky ones; they would never have to endure the painful memories of battle and gore and loss. It was over for them. MP's escort a captured prisoner after the Saigon Embassy battle d...