
In February 1976, I was walking my dog for his last potty break of the night. When I walked out of my apartment, I noticed a police car backed into a parking spot. The cop in the car was running radar on the passing vehicles on the main street. I walked behind the car and around the corner with my dog. After Buck (I didn't name him) completed his task, I walked back around the corner on my way back to my apartment. I noticed the cop car still sitting there. As I walked past it, the cop started whistling at my dog. Bucks' hair started standing up, and he was growling. Then the cop started calling the "puppy," and Buck, my protector, went nuts barking and snarling at the cop. He said, "Miss, you need to control your dog!" Without looking at him, I continued walking and told him he needed to leave my dog alone. "You need to come over to the car, Miss." Cussing under my breath, I said, why t...