Tribute: His Final Legacy (In Memorium for John McCain)

The Navy Hymn The Navy Hymn John McCain speaks to us from Washington National Cathedral. Pictures can be deceiving; what we see is not always real. This picture shows us a coffin draped with a flag of honor, on a cold marble floor, in repose, alone and unguarded. Or does it? This picture is of Senator John McCain's coffin at Washington National Cathedral. If we could pan around the area, we would see that hundreds of invited family, friends, and dignitaries from the past and present look over Senator McCain. They have come to say goodbye or, in some cases, just because it would make them look bad if they didn't show up. We know who they are. This was not a funeral service in the norm. McCain handpicked his speakers outside of the family and knew what the content of their speeches would entail. His hand was in every detail of his service. This would not be a mournful, sad, emotionally draining event. And it would ...