Radar Love

Radar Gun

And there was Bali Hai. And a guy named Terry.  A cop with a gun, a radar gun, and another gun.  But he only brought one of those three with him.  You figure it out.

His radar gun is what got my attention initially, sitting in his cop car running radar on people on the main road. And at the time, I thought, why is this cop sitting in this parking lot being a jerk?  Upon meeting him, I thought the very least I could do for my fellow citizens was to keep him distracted.  That's right, I threw myself on his radar gun to save John Q. Public.  And it worked.  You don't believe that, do you?

So, we talked and drank wine and danced a little and that old warm feeling from the wine made me feel nice.  I liked it.  And I loved him.  And I couldn't help thinking when is he going to kiss me?  When?  Just about that time, he made a move.  A slight one, but hey, it was progressing.  He was touching my hair, telling me how soft it was, and told me it was a beautiful shade of red, like the sun shining on a copper penny.  I liked that.  He was creative.

The thing about him was, he was undoubtedly the best looking man I have ever seen.  He was the kind of guy that every chick was going to flirt with and worse,.and he didn't seem to be too aware of that, maybe because he had recently gone through a divorce and she had left him for another guy.  Surely, she was blind. So, I knew that this would not be a love relationship because I could not deal with another woman setting her sights on him and trying to catch him.  I would be content to just see him whenever.  And when I was, I would enjoy looking at the envy on other women's faces.  It wasn't like I wanted to get married; I liked being single.  I missed a second income, but not all of the other things one had to deal with to do that. 

This man was just fun to be around, a charming personality, polite, not bossy or pushy or grabby—almost the perfect man.  But, I have to admit, every time I saw him, my heart would race, and I would be on edge; I think that may have been good old sexual tension kicking in.  I was just going to go with it.

The Grammy Awards date was fine!!  It was successful.  It was rewarding.  It was better than I expected it to be.  I stayed up all night long and had to do my regular work drudge the next morning.  However, the unruly people on the other end of the phone bothered me less that day than usual.  I could see that face of his in technicolor just out of my reach all day.  It made the day better.  He would call me at night and/or come over.  It wasn't every day, but it was okay.

One morning when I was running around getting myself and my kids dressed for daycare and work, he called and said he would take me to lunch and asked what time he should be there.  I gave him the info and then had to change my outfit for the occasion.  I was excited to see him.

I watched the clock all morning, tick-tock, two hours to go, tick-tock, one hour to go.  It was almost time.  My lunch hour was at  11 am.  It was almost time.  At about 10:50, I heard the front door buzzer go off.  This was a pretty big office and not open to the public.  The secretary buzzed the door open.  I had a customer on the phone and was not paying any attention to anything else around me.  It started getting louder in the office, and every girl in it was standing up and loudly whispering.  I glanced up, and Terry was walking down the long open hallway towards where I was sitting.  He had on his cop uniform and was looking buff.   I felt my face turn red, burning red.  I could hear the girls around me asking who THAT was and who he was here to see.  There were ohmygodding at his looks.  And just about that time, he walked up to my desk and smiled at me.  I was on the phone and gave him the just a minute signal.  When the call was over, I stood up, and he bent down and hugged me.  Oh my God, I thought we, me, and all the other girls were going to faint.  I grabbed my purse, he grabbed my hand, and we took off down that long hallway; and the buzzing noise of multiple females was beside us or behind us until we walked out that door.  I turned around, and a few of my co-workers had their faces stuck in the small window of the door looking out at us.  It Was Great!

Now, I wasn't into eating much food in front of a guy; even though I was starving, one has to maintain a certain amount of Scarlett O'Hara southern diet tips for dating success.  I asked him where we were going, "Dickey's Barbecue!"  oh no, I was horrified.  Messy barbecue, sauce, and fried stuff.  Help me.  I climbed into the cop car, good old car number 400.  With the radar gun on the seat.  "Do you think people think I'm your prisoner?"  "Yup!"  "Oh, no!"  I was a little embarrassed.  "Are you hungry?"  "A little. I mostly just want some iced tea and maybe a side of potato salad."  (It was in Texas.)  I was fibbing, of course, hoping my stomach wouldn't growl.  "You sure do have a lot of women where you work."  "Yes, too many."  "Why were people staring at me?"  "I guess because you are a cop.  I can't think of any other reason." Another fib.
And now we were at the barbecue ho-down.  And it was crowded.  "I have to be back on time."  "Not a problem; I'll just turn my siren on and get you back in plenty of time." Oh no.  "Really?"  "Of course."  Oh, hell.  He opened the door on the "prisoner" side of the car for me, and in we went.  Terry got a massive amount of food, I took the minimum I could get away with.  I don't know what we talked about, but we got back on time, and he walked me back in.   He gave me a little smooch on the lips, and then I floated back to my desk where THE WOMEN were waiting to question me about him.  I enjoyed every minute of their jealousy and comments about his gorgeousness.  "Where did I find him?  I didn't find him. He found me."  It was the talk of the office for a while, I was pleased.

Terry and I saw each other off and on for about 6 or 7 months.  I would take a half-day off work to be with him without my kids being around.  It was just easier that way.  In the end, he was going to try and go back with his ex-wife because of their young 2-year-old daughter, it didn't work out, and he moved in with 3 other cops into a singles apartment.  I'm sure he was the best sight there.

Just this past year, my oldest son mentioned him to me in a conversation.  He remembered how handsome Terry was, how remarkably gorgeous he was of all the guys he'd seen in real life; he said he was one of the best looking.  "It was the gray eyes, wasn't it?"  "Well yeah, but really, it was the whole package."

Yes, it was.

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