Our Nation's Capitol: Under Seige

January 6, 2021, The Day the Music Died for the USA. What the holy hell transpired today? Where were troops to protect our democracy and our elected legislatures? Why were Anarchists not arrested? Why are our symbols of democracy and freedom not protected adequately? Why did Marion Bowser not send in assistance until over three hours later? What is wrong with Trump supporters who think they can defile our government? (We know the answer to that one. Trump) What are you going to do about it? Here is what you can and should do. *********************************************************************************** Text Resist to 50409 for Resistbot. You can write to your Senator and Congressperson regarding how you feel about the Anarchy at the Capitol today. You can tell them how you feel about Trump and his enablers in the Senate and House being co-inciters of the violence we witnessed today. All communications are recorded by staff, counted, and acknowledged ...